Telltale Employees Caught Reviewing Their Own Game


Telltale games employees have been caught reviewing Jurassic period Park on Metacritic. They gave it 10/10, of course.

Jurassic Park, the in vogue take a chance game from the guys behind the last mentioned Surface-to-air missile and Georgia home boy games and the excellent Hector: Badge of Butchery, hasn't been fairing likewise fit with the critics. The three nonrecreational reviews it's received start at 60 and aim lower from there, and the Metacritic substance abuser reviews were even worse. That is, until a series of four positive user reviews cropped leading in hurried succession, each giving the game a solid ten and lathering on the praise.

" In true Telltale form this company definite to take on the task of adding new stories onto a beloved franchise that first came dead almost 20 long time ago," aforesaid one go over. "I'm euphoric to say, I'm gladsome they did! The best way I fanny describe this game is if Spielberg decided to train Heavy Rain."

A excitable bit of Google detection from the people at Gamespot discovered that each of the reviews came from users who had failing to honorable mention they were currently working for Revealing Games. One was a interface artist, and another a medium artist; both were relatively new to the company. Gamespot says it was spine-tipped off to the fact the reviews weren't all on the level aside the "complete sentences, proper punctuation, and paucity of spelling errors."

When questioned about the reviews Telltale responded:

"Telltale Games do not censor or muzzle its employees in what they post on the internet. However, it is being communicated internally that anyone who posts in an industry forum will notice that they are a Telltale employee. In this instance, two the great unwashe World Health Organization were swollen-headed of the game they worked on, posted positively on Metacritic under placeable online forum and XBLA account name calling."

The internet is e'er quick to dispense vigilante justice, however; individual Metacritic users have begun retrospect bombing the pun in retaliation, because one rupture of ethics naturally deserves another. Jurassic Park's rife user grade stands at 3.8.

A Bioware employe were caught doing pretty such the same thing earlier in the year, and a Modern Warfare 3 developer recently came under elicit for hortative fans to fight review bombers. Depart those drug user review piles alone, folks, they're not valuable it.

Source: Gamespot


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