Commentary: A US-China clash is not unthinkable

WASHINGTON DC: The most worrying aspect about talk of a new cold war is that it breeds complacency.

The first one ended peacefully in 1991 when the Soviet Union folded its tent. The US-USSR ideological contest unsaid that i side could triumph if the other'south system failed, which is what happened.

Cold war 2.0 offers a different spectre — escalating geopolitical rivalry between the world's ii largest powers with no clear go out ramp.


Information technology is possible that the "relentless diplomacy" Joe Biden promised at the Un this week could piece of work on Communist china. He has yet to secure a meaningful dialogue with an increasingly paranoid Beijing.

Past contrast, Biden is making rapid progress on coalitions that could further stoke China's wolf warrior instincts. Terminal calendar week's AUKUS deal with Commonwealth of australia and the UK, followed past this Friday'southward Quad summit with Australia, Bharat and Japan are tangible ripostes to China'southward growing armed services reach.

Biden'due south stance is to work with Prc where America's goals overlap — such as fighting global warming and stopping the adjacent pandemic — and confront where they diverge, such every bit on man rights, Taiwan, freedom of navigation and technological rivalry.

In this photograph provided by US Coast Guard, Legend-grade US Coast Baby-sit National Security Cutter Munro transits the Taiwan Strait on Aug 27, 2021. (File photo: AP/United states of america Coast Guard)

The strongest winds, all the same, are towards confrontation. Two stand out. The most important is the hawkish domestic United states of america consensus on People's republic of china.

Much has been said almost Washington DC's and so-called hulk. In reality, the US strange policy customs has been split for years over the wisdom of US wars of selection and necessity, including in Afghanistan.

On China, Washington is largely of one mind. Biden volition win no credibility points past getting to the left of it. Leading realist dissenters from America's post-9/xi adventurism applauded concluding calendar week'due south AUKUS pact.

The second is America'south allergy to trade and investment deals. It is no coincidence that Prc final week applied to bring together the Comprehensive and Progressive Understanding for Trans-Pacific Partnership — the earth's largest trading group, originally an American idea — just after Aukus was announced.

Information technology is highly unlikely Mainland china volition exist admitted to the club in the near future in spite of America's absence. It takes just i CPTPP fellow member, such as Nihon or Australia, to block its awarding.


The medium term is a different matter. Beijing's economic ability to punish or advantage its neighbours is greater than America's, given the far larger volume of regional trade with Cathay.

The United states could counter that by joining the CPTPP, or by opening talks on data standards and digital services. That would meet Asia'southward potent need for US commercial engagement.

Unfortunately, US politics — particularly the left of the Democratic party — is almost as balky to digital deals as information technology is to ones on merchandise. Suspicions of Silicon Valley hinder Biden'southward telescopic even to make such overtures.

This is another contrast with cold state of war one.0 — today'southward America lacks the appetite to take the pb on global integration that it did in the post-war decades.

The fact that Washington is happy to wield its Pentagon stick but exit its commercial tools to one side is pushing United states of america-People's republic of china rivalry in a more antagonistic direction.

For all of People's republic of china'south missteps on its Chugalug and Road projection, neither America nor its allies are willing to match what Cathay is spending on other countries' infrastructure.

All of which dulls the biggest silvery lining of today's cold war — the interdependence of the U.s. and Chinese economies. The Soviets and Americans operated in separate trading blocks. Today'south Washington wants to decouple from China.


There is nothing in Biden's worldview that implies he would want to risk conflict with People's republic of china. His priorities are domestic.

Moreover, he has deep religion that the American idea will always win. Aukus came in response to a request from Commonwealth of australia, enthusiastically sponsored by a post-Brexit Uk.

Biden did non intend to snub France and will doubtless try to mend relations. But that is ultimately a sideshow. The biggest shaper of our futures will be the trajectory of U.s.-Cathay rivalry.

Several near-misses during the outset common cold war taught America that it was wise to become inside Soviet heads and see the earth from their perspective. There is less such noesis of China in today's DC. Sinologists are thinner on the ground.

Efforts to prepare a hotline betwixt Beijing and Washington take however to bear fruit. The margin for error is not bang-up.

The more than Biden could acknowledge the possibility of a U.s.a.-Red china collision — past accident or ignorance — the more he would reduce the adventure.


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